Sunday, December 26, 2010


How much is that Doggie in the window ?   You know the one with the waggly tail... Isn't that how the song goes... Well  I just thought you might want to see what was under my Christmas tree.... O Santa ..You shouldn't have.... but ..Thank You


Anonymous said...

Awwee.. what an adorable puppy!!
Go Santa Go! lol
I love her/him.. looks like a her.. is it a spaniel?
so darling..
Hugs, thank you for all of your wonderful/kind comments and visting on my blog.
Sigh.. Darlene♥

Zaa said...

Your so Welcome Darlene... It was my pleasure and yes she's a SHE( ha ha) Her name is " Miss Dolly " or " Dolly" ...because she's such a doll... Thank You for the kind visit.... Have a Happy New Year.